Social Media Pricing
Social Media Plans
The Daily Plan
Once daily posting to Facebook and Twitter.
The Daily Plan - Español
Una publicación diaria a Facebook y Twitter en Español. (One daily post to Facebook and Twitter in Spanish.)
The Double Daily Plan
Twice daily posting to Facebook and Twitter.
The Content is King Plan
Twice daily posting to Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn PLUS twice per week posting to Instagram and one monthly blog post.
The Growth Plan
One daily post to Facebook and Twitter, one daily post to either Google+, LinkedIn or Pinterest (your choice)
The Enterprise Plan (Ultimate Plan)
Two daily posts to Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, and Google+, five weekly posts to
Instagram, one monthly blog post, and Twitter Follower Boost.
Additional Add-Ons
LinkedIn Lite
Once daily posting to LinkedIn. Same content as core plan.
Pinterest Lite
Once daily posting to Pinterest. Same content as core plan posted to one board.
Pinterest Deluxe
Five weekly posts to Pinterest. Unique content posted to a variety of boards.
Google+ Lite
Once daily posting to Google+. Same content as core plan.
Facebook Groups
Once daily posting to your Facebook Group. Same content as core plan.
Instagram Lite
Two weekly posts to Instagram. Unique content, not the same as core plan.
Instagram Deluxe
Five weekly posts to Instagram. Unique content, not the same as core plan.
Facebook Add-Ons
Facebook Like Boost
We will run an ad campaign on your behalf. Includes creation of multiple custom ads, split tested for
effectiveness, daily campaign monitoring and adjustments as necessary, and once-per-month reporting. Ads
can be focused on Facebook page likes, app tab landings, or website clickthroughs.
Facebook Ads, Bronze
Facebook Ads, Silver
Facebook Ads, Gold
Facebook Ads, Platinum
We will create and run a Facebook ad campaign. This Includes creation of multiple custom ads, split tested for
effectiveness, ongoing campaign monitoring and adjustments as necessary, and once-per-month reporting. Ads
can be focused on Facebook page likes, app tab landings, or website clickthroughs.
Twitter Add-Ons
Twitter Follower Boost
We will follow 800 targeted users per month. (200 at a time, 4x per month)
Custom Blog Content
Weekly Blog Posts (4 per month)
Single Blog Post
Our high-quality blog posts are written by US-based, professional writers. Topics can be provided by the client, or we can suggest topics for approval. Posts are around 500 words and written to be compelling and shareable.
Other Services
Social Media Profile Creation
– Choose from Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Pinterest, LinkedIn, or Instagram.
These pages and profiles will contain complete bio and about details and are well-worded, and optimized for
search on the given network. We’ll also drop in a simple image (screen shot from client’s website, etc.) as a
cover on each.